Eat clean and green. Eat Natural.
I am a very inquisitive person. I always need to know the “WHY.” I never followed or believed in any individual, sect, faith, or religion unless and until I knew the why of the speech, action, or sermons. Of course, many times, this inquisitiveness has led to some trouble.
And that “why” is exactly what led me to discover the Shankh Prakshalana / Varisar dhauti (yoga cleanse). I did not expect to hit the proverbial jackpot when I began researching this yoga cleanse. This ancient Shankh Prakshalana cleanse has been demystified from modern science viewpoint in the book “DECODING THE YOGA CLEANSE SCIENTIFICALLY”.
One of the sub-topics of the book focuses on the chemicals and pesticides contained in ingredients and their effect on our gut. I came to realize how harmful the food we eat can be if we are not careful. I spent a lot of time sourcing optimum ingredients for my family and writing this book prompted me to investigate further.
Eventually, I opened my own company “Tanvi Enterprise” to import natural grains without pesticides or chemicals. These natural grains are derived from cow-based farming with abundant microorganisms which result in products with higher nutritional value.
Besides being inquisitive, I am a nature lover and consider myself to be a friend of the environment. I believe humans should not exploit or overtake this world for their own benefit but rather endeavor to live in harmony with nature.
Previously, I worked in the fashion industry. I teach yoga now. I am a certified yoga teacher with QCI-Level 2 (now YCB), PYPT, SVYASA and YA-ERYT 200. More details are available on and by emailing
The food we eat today is problematic, and it seems that we are living in the dark ages in terms of how to grow food, how to eat and how to not over eat. Pesticides and chemicals have contributed to making the soil barren and disturbed the natural eco system and symbiosis between the microorganisms and the soil. Microorganisms help to break down nutrients to be absorbed by the body, and we have disturbed them at their very core through overuse of different chemicals. We are so addicted to chemicals, that even government-approved organic certification allows for only very few chemicals under organic labelling. Tanvi Enterprise sources grains, pulses, spices and ghee that are grown without pesticides and with abundant beneficial microorganisms. Meaning: Totally natural.
Ahimsa means respecting all living beings, big or small, and not consciously harming them in any way.
Our mission is to charter a new path with the ahimsa philosophy in mind. Sourcing natural, pesticide and chemical-free food ingredients and demystifying an ancient yoga cleanse scientifically (“DECODING THE YOGA CLEANSE SCIENTIFICALLY” ) are our two newest projects. The ghee is derived after the calves are fed to their hearts content . The cow farms are slaughter and torture free and totally Ahimsa.
Appropriate nourishment, yogic cleanses and yoga help the body to rejuvenate, calm the mind and bring back its natural clarity of thought. Ahimsa beauty produces radiance inside and out.
To be a trustworthy and innovative global leader in providing genuine organic products and solutions for conscious, healthy living.
Please reach out @ or call + 1 (949) 464-8267 for more information.